KennelSoft Boarding & Grooming Management Software
 Solutions for Pet Boarding, Doggie Day Care, Grooming, Training & Pet Retail Facilities



Newly Added Features 


Below are some of the most significant changes and enhancements in our Atlantis version 10 program.

  • At check out  you now have the ability to email the receipt, print the receipt or both.
    Screen display is designed for newer monitors.  We now make better use of screen real estate. Display resolution should be set to a minimum of 1366 x 768 (1600 x 900 is better). 
  • Today at a Glance screen now shows breeds and times for arrivals and run numbers and times for departures.
  • Tabs at the bottom of client screen have been consolidated.  There are now four tabs instead of ten.  Vaccinations and cell phone numbers now appear on the Basic Info tab.
  • Easier to read Charges screen.
  • Under Inventory the Vendors Item ID field is now the same length as the Item ID field.
  • Grooming tab has been removed from Appointments.  Boarding, Grooming, and Day Care are all on the same tab.
  • Number of user defined activities has been increased from 33 to 48.
  • A Texting system has been integrated.  Texts can be sent by selecting from a library of mail merged templates or can be typed on the fly.  Perfect for letting grooming clients know that their pet is ready to be picked up.
  • New Multi Run Assignment system allows for assigning up to 5 runs to a pet for the same visit.  Also, a run can be used more than once for that visit.  i.e. CJ 17,  FD 22,  DX 14, CJ 17, DX 3.  Now shows all runs (not just those available on first day).
  • An Alternate email address field has been added to the Owners file.
  • The pet weight field can now handle decimals.  i.e. 14.5 Lbs.
  • All new Icons.
  • A Partial Day charge can be manually added to charge records.  This can be either a percentage of the boarding rate or as a flat charge.
  • New Depart Contact List Report for marketing has been added.

Email Boarding & Grooming User Defined Html Confirmations and Reminders System

You can email your customers directly from within their client record.  Allows for sorting on any criteria that you can imagine. Whether it’s automatic grooming reminders, thank you’s to new clients, bonus offerings to clients that have spent over $2500.00 this year, coupon reminders to clients that haven’t returned in the last 9 months, etc.  Atlantis has full mail merge capability that can even adjust to a pet’s gender. These features are also available if using letters, post cards or mailing labels. 

Each email post is individually addressed and is not a "mass spam" mailing. Atlantis has a NEW specially designed email system that allows for personalized mailings to any and/or all of your customers at one time. This system has full mail merge capability without spamming. Additionally, recipients can be included or excluded from any mailing via KennelSoft's Client Selection System. Grooming reminders are sent by email with no cards, postage, printer ribbons, or labor.

All mailings can be designed in HTML for really decorative and unique reminders which can also include animated gif files for a delightful mailing. Not only will you save many thousands of dollars each year on traditional mailings and reminders, but because of the ease and speed of this system you can now communicate more often with your customers with no expense whatsoever, while still allowing for post card communication for those clients that don't currently have email.

Email reservation & confirmation reminder templates are user defined for a mail merge from a list of code fields available from the Atlantis database. Email confirmations may include a Confirmation # , Pet Name, Last Name, Breed, Boarding Dates, Veterinarian, and Vaccination Expiration Dates and requests that they notify you if the information shown in the email message needs to be updated.  Right click in Appointments and click on Email Confirmation and it’s sent.  Separate email confirmations can be created for: dog boarding, cats boarding, grooming, training and day care.  Atlantis has the capability to handle html created grooming & boarding confirmations and reminders.  Attached are a few samples of how an html email can look when generated from the a template file within the Atlantis program. 

Some Samples Html Email Confirmations & Thank You

#1 Grooming Confirmation            #2 Grooming Confirmation
#1 Dog Boarding Confirmation     #2 Boarding  Confirmation
#2 Boarding Confirmation
#1 Cat Boarding Confirmation
#1 Lodging Thank You                   #2
Lodging Thank You (following boarding/grooming appointment)
#1 Miss Seeing Erros

Atlantis LOYALTY Rewards Program KennelSoft’s Reward Program is a fully integrated system for creating, calculating, presenting, and redeeming award points for services and/or merchandise. As with any business that has a rewards program, it’s purpose is to create and maintain customer loyalty and allegiance. How effective a program is, is based upon it being effortless (fully automatic) for the customer and that it provides instant gratification. When checking out a pet that had acquired points from previous visits, the program will check if that point balance is equal to or greater than the number of points needed to qualify for rewards on the current bill. If it is, an on screen message appears showing the number of points available, the rewards options, and the number of points needed for each option. The customer (or your staff) selects the reward(s) they want and then proceeds with the check out. Feature operates similar to your points earned at Best Buy.  Great feature to reward those loyal returning clients. User defined - you set your own reward levels.  For More Info...



Activity Packages are now available and each package can include up to four activities.  Each activity included in a package can be set to be once, twice, or three times a day.  Each activity within a package can be set to morning, afternoon, and/or evening.   You can have many different activity packages and each package can be set as commissionable.






Top Spender List 

New Top Spenders List report shows your Top 50 spenders or your Top 100 spenders.  Report has option to sort by and show Year to Date Spending Previous Years Spent, or Over All-Total Spent


Activities  When an activity package is selected on the appointment screen that button will become green while the buttons for those activities included in the package will be half-green with a line through them.

Packages can be offered daily, every other day, every third day, or other (on specific dates). This promotes selling multiple packages for the same visit.

Instead of one Request field, each activity (including packaged activities) now has it’s OWN Request field.  These requests appear on the View Activities screen and on all Activity Reports.





Wait List - Atlantis now allows you to quickly place pets on a waiting list and helps you select which pets you want to take based upon the dollars their boarding  appointments will generate, what the customer has spent with you this year, and what they spent with you in the previous year.  Clicking on a pet on the wait list will automatically make an appointment for it and all other family pets on the wait list.  Right click in the Client file to add a pet to the wait list.  Right click in the Appointment file to view the wait list and to transfer wait list pets to the Appointment file.



Digital Scan Folders

(for storing vaccination records, contracts, and any other scanned document, jpg, bmp, txt, or pdf file) are now created by double-clicking on the Clients line in the middle of the Appointment and Clients screen.  Folder are named based upon owner's last and first name. This makes it very easy to migrate into a paperless record keeping environment.


When an activity report is run (click thumbnail to see the Morning Long Hike Schedule) the name of any associated packages is shown on the report in italics.

You can safely change the order of your existing activities (or even delete them) to prioritize package placement on your appointment screen.  Activity line item charges on Charges Subtotals reports from previously checked out appointments will not be lost but will be shown as separate line items.  Clicking on an already highlighted activity button will no longer reset any of the parameters of that activity - i.e. if an activity was set to be daily and was to start the day after the arrival date then clicking on that button will not cause the starting date to revert to the arrival date.





Retail Receipt Printer 

2" Continuous Tape Printer for Retail Only receipts.
Smaller receipts


QUICK GLANCE: On every screen the number of Arrivals, Departures, Day Cares, and Grooms appears at the bottom along with number of pets remaining to be checked in or out for each category.




Inventory Item  Info is now available be right clicking on an inventory item.  This will show the last time the price was changed and what it was changed from.  It will also show the last date the "on hand" quantity was updated and what the quantity was updated from.

Percentage Line Item Discounts can now be added to any charge in the Boarding or Grooming column. 




Low Punches Warning appears in yellow in a clients record when the number of day care, boarding, or activity punches reaches a minimum level.



Birthday Mailings (or emailing) can now be sent to any or all pets having a birthday in the next week, two weeks, or month.  This is an excellent goodwill builder if you mention that it's also a birthday gift for a free playtime or nature walk.  


When checking out a pet that has a previous on-account balance the on screen message has been modified to include  - ONLY click “Yes” if they are ACTUALLY PAYING OFF the previous balance at this time.

Mandatory Email Address Option:  A setup option has been added that can make it mandatory to enter something (preferably the owner's email address) in the E-mail field before you can save a new client's record.   

Login protection has been implemented to prevent aborting an in-progress retail sale.

The Number of Visits field in the client file has been increased to 4 digits.  This now allows for more than 999 visits per pet.  Yes, there are kennels that have pets that have been checked in and out over 1000 times. 

A password is now required to transfer a checked-out charge record to the archive charges file.

The pet’s name (which was available to be inserted on the Subject Line of email confirmations) can now be used on the subject line of post cards and form letters being sent by email.  Also, hyperlinks to web sites or pages can be included in all email from Atlantis. 




TODAY AT A GLANCE:  Is the first screen to appear when you open Atlantis.  It shows four columns:  Arrivals, Departures, Day Care and Grooming.  This is for today only and each column has a colored alphabetical list of last names and pet names.  Pets that have already arrived (or departed) are shown at the bottom of each list in gray.  Double clicking on any name will bring up that pet’s appointment.  If you don’t see a name because you have a lot of arrivals (departures, day cares, or grooming) on that day, you can use the scroll bar or simply type the first letter of the last name and it will go directly to names starting with that letter.  Under all headings you can quickly see who has come or gone.  An X appearing next to a name in the daycare or grooming column means that it is still checked in. 




I'M A NEW CLIENT: All appointments (boarding, day care, or grooming) for new clients will have a bright yellow ball that says ”I’m New” in the appointment.  This is based upon this being the first visit for the owner. 



NEW REFERRAL REPORT: - This report shows dollars generated by all referrers. This is an excellent tool to show what advertising or marketing efforts (dollars) are working what are not.  There is a report option for Summary Only or Detailed (which lists owners and number of pets). 






Multiple Late Check-Out Options   - You can have up to three (3) check out times for your boarding clients.  In the example shown check out times are 1:00 PM, 3:00 PM, and 5:00 PM.  If the pet departs between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM the pet will be charged half a day’s board.  If the pet departs between 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM the pet will be charged 75% of the day’s boarding rate.  If the pet checks out after 5:00 PM the pet will be charged the full daily boarding rate.   The option is also available to have the late check out fee be a fixed charge instead of a percentage of the boarding rate.  This feature also allows for having different late check out policies.  ie standard dog and cat suites have a flat $15.00 late check fee if pet departs between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM, but pets in luxury suites have a $25.00 late check out fee for departing during those same times.

More Activity Fields:  The number of user defined Activities has been increased from 13 to 33.  A new tab called Additional Activities replaces the Charges tab that used to appear at the bottom of an appointment (next to the Medications tab on checked in appointments).






This email confirmation includes a Confirmation number, Pet Name, Last Name, Breed, Boarding Dates, Veterinarian, and Vaccination Expiration Dates and requests that they notify you if the information shown in the email message needs to be updated.  Right click in Appointments and click on Email Confirmation and it’s sent.  Separate email confirmations are available for dog boarding, cats boarding, grooming and day care.





RUN USE PERCENTAGES: – This report will show occupancy percentages for any date range entered.  It can be run from either the current appointment file or from the archives.  The Summary report will numerically show you the occupancy percentage for each date and the average occupancy for the entire date range.  In addition this information will also be displayed graphically. When running this report with the Summary field unchecked you’ll see a graph of the enclosure types used for each day.  On the last page of this report you’ll see the average occupancy for each enclosure type for the entire date range.

Previous Activity History:  When a new boarding reservation is made, Atlantis will look at the pet's activity history and will display a percentage average as to which activities the pet owner is most likely to select for this visit based on the last ten boarding appointments for that pet.  In addition it will display the frequency and schedule for each activity that the pet had during the last boarding stay.  Click on the Auto Activity button and you'll be given the option to have these activities (and their frequency) automatically added to the new appointment.


NEW SEARCH OPTIONS: New search options allows you to browse, search and scroll thru appointments or clients six records at a time.  If you double click on the word Pet in appointments and type:  bud   It will bring up all of the Buds, Buddys, Budrows, etc.  Double click on the one you want and it will bring up that appointment.  In appointments you can use this to browse/search/scroll Last Name, Pet Name, Arrival Date, Departure Date, or Groom Date.  In clients you can browse/search/scroll Last Name, Pet Name, Breed, or Home Phone Number.  When using the old “right click” method for searching, the active search field will have the first letter italicized in the appointment and client screen.

  Instant Day Care and Grooming Check-Ins & Check-Outs:  A single right-click on the "Today at a Glance" screen will bring up a Day Care or Grooming pet and check that pet in.  Likewise, a single right-click will bring up the pet and start the check out process.  




MULTIPLE DAY CARE ELECTRONIC PUNCH CARDS  - Multiple punch cards are now available for all “Day” services i.e. full-day day care, half-day day care, mountain hikes, private training lessons, etc.  They can be sold at check-in, check–out, or point of sale. 

New Format for Charges Subtotal Reports:  The three (3) Charges Subtotal Reports now show boarding revenue broken down by rate and rate type.  The classic format is still available as a check box option.

Optional Remarks on Feeding and Medication Reports:  A check box option now exists to have client Remarks appear on the Feeding and Medication reports.






BOARDING ELECTRONIC PUNCH CARDS – This is prepaid discounted boarding.  This is popular in South Florida and helps insure customer loyalty.  Options exist to "black out" peak or prime periods.  

Validates Groomer Availability:  When using athe Make Multiple Groom Appointments routine and there is a preferred groomer for that pet, the program will check for that groomer's availability for all future appointments.  If there are dates when that groomer is not available those dates will be displayed on screen for you to then select alternative dates.






ACTIVITY ELECTRONIC PUNCH CARDS - These are pre-sold discounted activities.  They can be applied on a mix and match basis.  For example Tuck In, Busy Bone, and Snuggle Time can all work off of the same electronic punch card. 

Easier Credit Card: "On-File" Check Out:  Address and zip code have been included in the check out display.  This makes check outs using "on-file credit card information" easier.

  DAY CARE REPORT in the Reports section will now report for a date range. 

CREDIT CARD SECURITY:  For added security pet owner's credit card information is now encrypted within the database.  No hackers allowed!

ADDITIONAL CREDIT CARD SECURITY: If a client record has no credit card info then a person with a minimal logon level is now able to click on the confidential tab and add credit card info. Only a person at or above the confidential logon level will be able to click on the confidential tab if there is current credit card info. This info now appears on screen during check out.





BATCH ACTIVITY SCHEDULES report - You can now run a batch report for all activities. They can be run for Morning, Afternoon, Evening, or Batch All Above. This saves time and paper!

top     REFERRAL FIELD:  The option to require that a client record can’t be saved without placing data in the Referral field has been modified so that it only affects new clients.
Basic Atlantis Features

Day Care

Fully integrated Day Care System.

Daily Scheduler

For special outside services such as private training sessions, portrait photography, etc.

Email System

You can email your customers directly from within their client record.  Allows for sorting on any criteria that you can imagine. Whether it’s fully automatic grooming reminders, thank you’s to new clients, bonus offerings to clients that have spent over $2500.00 this year, coupon reminders to clients that haven’t returned in the last 9 months, etc. Atlantis has full mail merge capability that can even adjust to a pet’s gender. These features are also available if using letters, post cards or mailing labels. 

Each email post is individually addressed and is not a "mass spam" mailing. 

Atlantis has a specially designed email system that allows for personalized mailings to any and/or all of your customers at one time. This system has full mail merge capability without spamming. Additionally, recipients can be included or excluded from any mailing via KennelSoft's Client Selection System. Grooming reminders are sent with no cards, postage, printer ribbons, or labor.

All mailings can be designed in HTML for really decorative and unique reminders which can also include animated gif files for a delightful mailing. Not only will you save many thousands of dollars each year on traditional mailings and reminders, but because of the ease and speed of this system you can now communicate more often with your customers with no expense whatsoever, while still allowing for Post Card communication for those clients that don't currently have email.

Mail & Email History Logs

Logs show all mailings that have been done. These logs show the type of mailing, date sent, subject, conditions used and the total sent.  

Peak Period Run Assignments

Allows for assigning a pet into up to three different runs during the same visit. Feeding, medication, activity, departure, and grooming calendars are all automatically adjusted.

Advance Late Departs

An Advance Late Depart feature that will automatically advance the depart date to the next day for any pets scheduled out that did not depart AND, you will be given a detailed warning if you have any run conflicts with arriving pets. A warning will appear at check in if the arriving pet's assigned run has not yet been vacated.

Library of Contracts

Library of user defined contracts such as regular boarding, long term boarding, geriatric boarding, release forms for severely matted grooming dogs, referral coupons, etc.

Pet Photos 

Pet photos can easily be attached to a client’s record.

Deletion Log

Shows all records that have been deleted. These logs also show the date, time, workstation and logged-on user for each deleted record.

Creation Log

Chronologically shows all new records added today, yesterday, the day before, etc. These are available for boarding reservations, grooming appointments and clients.

Owner Financial Info

Menu button that shows dollars spent year to date, last year, and total since new for client showing.

On Account

On Account system that tracks and bills receivables. (FIFO)

Activity Sales Commissions

This feature will allow you to track and pay a commission to your staff for any or all activities that they sell (i.e. $0.20 per playtime, $0.25 per nature walk, $0.15 per Yappy Hour, etc). This encourages front desk salesmanship with good employees seeing a sizable increase in their paycheck as well as increasing your activity sales significantly. There is a corresponding report that lists the activities sold by each employee for each client and will calculate what their commissions are for the date range entered.

Charge Look-Ups

Unlimited number of boarding and grooming user defined charge look-ups.

Scanners/Electronic Cash Drawers

Supports barcode scanners and electronic cash drawers.

Groomer Scheduling

Time based groomer scheduling system that adjusts for the breed, type of service (groom vs. bath) and each individual groomers speed.


Automatic rebooking of grooming appointments.

Marketing Info

Referral and Zip Code Breakdown Reports track leads, advertising and where your clients are coming from (number from each zip code and as a percentage of the total).

Bowl Feeding Labels

For those facilities that feed using paper bowls, Atlantis will print feeding labels (continuous feed).

Client Notes

Unlimited length and printable.

Schedule Pets

Up to the next 20 appointments can be booked for a dog instantly.


Each grooming charge category can be set to be either commissionable or non-commissionable and have its own percentage.


KennelSoft Programs will calculate bather fees/commissions based on the type of service performed, i.e. prep work on grooming pets vs complete baths.

Mobiles, Pickup & Delivery

Reports for pick-ups/deliveries/mobiles that has option to sort by city map coordinates.

Client Notes

Unlimited length and printable.

Itemized & User Defined Receipts



More Atlantis Features

Below is a list of most of the features included in Atlantis
there just are not many things that Atlantis doesn't already do!

Atlantis Boarding Features

  • Pick up and delivery schedules

  • Make all types of pet service reservations

  • Make multiple day care, training & grooming reservations for an individual client.

  • Make reservations for single or multiple pets

  • Ability to Group multiple pets in the same run

  • Make notes specific to the reservation.

  • Add additional services or products to a reservation

  • Keeps accurate records of cancelled or no-show reservations

  • Auto-assign Run according to availability by pet size or correct enclosure for pet

  • Ability to move pets to different runs after check-in

  • Peak Facility Optimization - multiple run assignments for same pet during peak periods

  • Easy check-in/check-out stamped by actual arrival/departure time

  • Alerts for expired vaccinations

  • Store pet vital information

  • Store pet medication information  - tracks multiple meds and schedules

  • Store pet vaccination information

  • Store pet temperament information

  • Store pet feeding information  - multiple feeding schedules for same pet

  • Store pet Veterinary information

  • Add notes for each individual pet

  • Fast reservations. A reservation for an existing customer can be made in under 10 seconds.

  • Pets can have an unlimited number of future reservations.

  • Suites or runs can be either auto or manually assigned.

  • To maximize your capacity you can assign a pet to 3 different suites for the same visit.

  • Warning at check in if arriving pet is assigned to a suite where the departing pet hasn’t checked out yet.

  • To maximize revenue you can have midweek, weekend, and peak/holiday rates.

  • Automatic discounts for multiple pets sharing a suite.

  • Vaccination alerts for expired pet shots.

  • Look-ups for Breeds, Cities, Vets, and Referrals.

  • Unlimited notation space for itineraries, documenting pet problems, etc.

  • Pet photos attached to customer’s record.

  • 33 User Defined activities such as Playtime, Nature Walks, Swimming, Yappy Hour, etc., that can be set up as one time charges, daily (once, twice, thrice), every other day, every third day, or on specific dates. All activities can be set as commissionable to the employee that sold them.

  • Printed activity schedules for each of the 13 predefined facility activities, i.e. playtime,
    swimming, nature walks, Frosty Paws, Hugs n Cuddles, etc.  You define the activities
    your facility will be offering.

  • Email capability that allows you to email a customer from within a pet’s record.

  • Quick view of how much a customer has spent with you this year, last year, and since new.  Also shows current deposits and outstanding balances.

  • Quick toggle between current and archived appointment and client records.

  • Logs that show all records added, edited, or deleted.  These logs will indicate the date, time, computer, and logged on user.

  • Library of user created contracts (standard, long term, geriatric, etc.).

  • Nine levels of password protection.

  • Day Scheduler for non-boarding pet functions i.e. Day Care, Private Training, Pet Photography, etc.

  • Multi-Location ability.

  • Advance Search Capabilities

  • Late Arrivals/No-Show Printed & On Screen

  • User audit trails to track what your employees are doing on the system (Deletion Logs)

  • Comprehensive calendar grid to show summary and detail for all grooming appointments.

  • Keep accurate accounting of your clients’ purchases and balances.

  • Records invoice for every reservation transaction

  • Ability to accept and record multiple payment types.

  • Discount Control for applying discounts to invoices - multiple levels of discounts on same record.

  • Complete transaction history by client

  • Search clients with balances

  • Manage your client's credits for services like daycare or grooming

  • Automatically deducts clients' credits when services are rendered

  • Store multiple pets per client (up to 99 pets per owner)

  • Store credit card information

  • Store multiple addresses

  • Store multiple phone numbers

  • Store multiple email addresses

  • Add authorized persons to client account for picking up/dropping off pets

  • Add notes on reservation and/or action taken

  • Printed Run cards list - food, medications, vaccinations, color, breeds, and temperament.

  • Printed feeding schedules

  • Printed medication schedules

  • Printed grooming schedules & grooming cards

  • Printed & On Screen Run Statistics

  • Printed & On Screen Occupancy Reports

  • Printed & On Screen Run Availability

  • Printed & On Screen Pet and Client Reports

  • Printed & On Screen Financial Reports

  • Printed & On Screen Custom Reports

Grooming Features

  • Instant access to grooming histories.

  • Unlimited itemized charge categories.

  • Fast scheduling.

  • Automatic rebooking of appointments.

  • Schedule multiple appointments for a pet instantly.

  • Time based grooming option for maximized scheduling.

  • Release forms for geriatric or matted pets.

  • All grooming service categories can have their own commission rate or piece rate.

  • Commission reports can be run for any date range.

  • Free/No Charge option for itemized services.

  • Automatic reminders via email or postcard.

  • Groomer Worksheets that include the last four histories.

  • Easy Appointment Book Scheduling

  • View Multiple Groomers on One Schedule Screen

  • Create Hours of Operation for Salon & Employees

  • Block Appointment Times

  • Book Services and Products

  • Recurring and additional Appointments based on the pet's recommend 4,6,8 week schedule

  • Appointment Confirmation List or Email

  • Reprint End of Day Reports

  • Accepts Split Tender/calculates Change

  • Tracks Change on Checks and Charges

  • User Definable Tax Fields

  • User Definable Payment Types 

  • Most Reports Printable to the Screen

  • Multiple Printer Setup for Each Function

  • Mailing Labels

  • Email Clients

  • Client Photographs

  • Daily Sales/Closeout Reports

  • Month/year to Date

  • Daily Sales Report per Groomer Prior to Closeout

  • Commission Breakdown - Groomers & Bathers

  • New Vs. Repeat

  • Client Last Service Reports - Groom Histories

  • Client Lists/labels Emails

  • Client Birthday Lists/labels

  • Services/product Sales by Groomer

  • Product/service Activity Report

  • Product/service by Client Report

  • Inventory Reports

  • Reorder Reports

  • Software Security

  • Password Protection - 9 Levels of Passwords

  • Hide Client Addresses/phone Numbers

  • Multiple Family Clients per Invoice

  • Gift Certificates - Multiple Payment Options

Day Care / PlayCare Features

  • Multiple charge plans (1 day, 5 day, 10 day, 20 day, etc.)

  • Multiple appointments can be easily made just by clicking on calendar dates.

  • Weekly schedules easily entered (Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday for the next 5 weeks).

  • All activities can be added to  Day Care appointments.

  • Instant access to report showing who’s left to come in and who’s left to go home.


  • Unlimited number of retail items.

  • Allows for up to five vendors per item.

  • Supports UPC codes and bar code scanners

Additional Features

  • Reports can export into Excel, Lotus, or Word.

  • Supports electronic serial port cash drawers.

  • Supports multiple locations - i.e. (Drop Off depots with grooming on additional locations).

  • Run Management that allows user to set up and manage runs

  • Setup charge codes for different products and services

  • Manage system users - assign passwords for various levels of system access

  • Over 66 reports where user can stipulate conditions.

  • Available in both single user and multi user versions.


KennelSoft Programs Developed For:

Boarding Kennel Management
Boarding Kennels
Dog & Cat Boarding
Boarding & Grooming
Grooming Salons & Shops
Cattery Management

Veterinary Boarding
Doggie Day Care
Dog Parks / PlayCare
Pet Care Facilities
Obedience K-9 Training
Pet Boutique Retail


