Program Information and System Requirements The specs below are recommended (not minimums) for both the single-user and network versions of Atlantis and Avalon
If you are using a network computer as a file server you need to be running Windows 10 Professional
Download & install the Microsoft ODBC Driver Before Downloading the Avalon the Atlantis Demo.
The "ODBC Driver" link will take you to the download location for the needed driver. You must download and install the driver prior to installing the Atlantis or the Avalon demo.
------ Select Delivery Method ------- AVALON DEMO - by Internet Download AVALON DEMO - by US Mail
I would like a KennelSoft Support Technician to download and install the demo program directly onto my computer using internet remote access. The technician can then take me on a "walk-through" of the program features. This option requires internet access on the computer the demo is to be installed on. KennelSoft will contact me to set up an installation & "Walk-Through" demo time.
I will download and install the demo myself, then phone KennelSoft for a "walk-through" of the program features. This option does not require internet access on the computer the demo is to be installed on. I will phone KennelSoft when I am ready for the "Walk-Through" demonstration.
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PO Box 175, Elk Rapids, Michigan 49629 Telephone: (231) 264-9515 Fax: (231) 264-6667 Email - support2@kennelsoft.net
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Modified 02/01/2016